okay I see.. first I thought about designing the phrases the lfs-way .. but then I thought it will take too much time (for me as a photoshop/gimp-noob), also to me the lfs-colours alone seemed to be enough of a hint what could be the last of the four phrases .. but, I agree on your point, it does look a bit too simple
thanks for all the feedback! I had decided on a song already in february and started working on the movie, then. whenever creativity dropped, I took a few days/weeks/months break .. I think this had a good influence on the outcome, usually after publishing my videos I find lots of parts where I just seemed to be in a rush and put something together too quickly. but this time I'm kind of happy with the result on the whole.
sorry, there is no stream available and I don't know if I am going to offer one. but may I ask, what is the problem with downloading the avi-file (you can still delete it after watching it)? too big file? or afraid of getting a virus? just curious..
about the sequences in the beginning: I wondered about the 'too cheap' things too. I wanted to try something I hadn't done before and tried a lot of different phrases, finally I ended up using those really short and simple ones so I wouldn't have to show each phrase for like 10 seconds .. also I thought it matches with the 3 final words, 'live for speed.' - I was not sure how well it worked out, so I gladly take comments on that part, thanks
EDIT: .. or did I get it wrong, are we talking about the fonts (and colours) themselves here, not about the content of the phrases?
I finally finished another movie - with the inventive name 'Live for Speed'. so far it's only available at youtube and megashares.com but I'm sure I can offer a direct download link soon.
download: (248 MB, 3:50 min length) se-racing.net <- ddl!
thanks to everyone who helped me out with replays (especially to e2mustang who uploaded big parts of his mpr folder for me). hope you guys enjoy this!
edit: thanks to e2mustang we got it on youtube now, as well! (at least for those of us who live outside germany - it's blocked in here because of the music)
edit2: ..and thanks to turbofreak we now got a direct link to the avi-file
sending your own great replays to movie makers is an option, too.. I, for example, usually have a look at them (or even ask people for replays) because I got not much time to race on my own, lately
from 1:07 on this was exactly the type of lfs video that I like most - quality online racing including good fights and a small amount of things that happen when you push a tad too much (crashes, drifts, going wide).
the team was founded 5 years ago as an S2 racing team .. full name is 'Fred Loves Pie /racing' ( = FLP/r) .. I hope this cleared it up - or did I confuse you even more? let me know
I agree with you there, and in fact I do still have some of the older lfs versions (maybe not the 5 years old ones, but still old ones) including replays.. the problem is that most of those replays are about xrt/bl1 racing, not a big variety.. and I already used them for plenty of movies back then so I thought I'll just sleep on it .. plus with the bit of time that I had I did not feel like handling replays that don't offer the rewind feature
if you want, you can send me the names of the needed movies via pm .. I'll search for a download link or re-upload them somewhere, shouldn't be a big deal
I finished this one a month ago and didn't plan to publish it at the lfs forum at all (on the one hand because the interest in lfs videos seems to be quite low at the moment, on the other hand because I did not really spend much time on making this - in fact I did not really have time at all but still thought being around for 5 years is a good enough reason for making another FLP movie)
I watched it again today and thought 'why not post it in here, maybe somebody is interested' .. so here we go:
nice (and importantly, not boring) way to introduce the members.. followed by really good action, nicely synced with the music.. the song has been used in some videos before, but so what.
personally, I prefer leaving out laggy and/or unrealistic crashes and would have tried to get smoother camera-work in a few shots, but overall it was okay.
you won't regret buying it, I'm sure! if you don't focus on moaning about a lack of updates you can have a lot of fun with lfs as it is (on the right servers or in the leagues, most likely)
that is nonsense, if you ask me
I remember watching at least one of those and I even kept the video file on my pc, which means I really enjoyed it - so cheer up and keep them coming!
yep 3 out of those 4 don't work, thanks to UMG and Sony.. this is getting ridiculous over here ..going to download them tomorrow, I think
I'll link my threats here.. removed some of those movies from youtube but the downloads should still work (the ddls at least) - otherwise, let me know if you want one of the avi files and can't get it due to obsolete links